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Our Certificates

IFS Food – is an international standard recognised by the GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative), which guarantees its recognition and acknowledgement worldwide. The IFS Food standard was developed to protect food brands. An important element of IFS Food is the compliance of products with European food law. Obtaining the IFS certificate signifies compliance with the IFS Food standard and is proof that a company meets all the requirements specified in the standard.

Organic certificate – is confirmation that a company meets the legal requirements for organic production. A product in organic quality means that it has been produced from raw materials originating from certified organic cultivation or obtained from a natural state covered by an organic certificate. The production process itself, as well as the production and storage of raw materials and finished products are also supervised. The EU certificate entitles producers to use the organic symbol on product packaging.

UTZ – Znak UTZ Certified można znaleźć na opakowaniach produktów zawierających herbatę, kawę, kakao oraz orzechy laskowe. W ten sposób znakowane są surowce pochodzące ze zrównoważonych upraw. Wybór produktu opatrzonego znakiem UTZ daje realną szansę na zrównoważony rozwój rolnictwa i przetwórstwa, w którym interes ekonomiczny idzie w zgodzie z zachowaniem wysokich standardów etycznych i ekologicznych.

Fair Trade – is one of the Fairtrade certification schemes that is making a difference for agricultural producers in countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, Southeast Asia and Oceania. Fairtrade works for higher farmgate prices, decent working conditions and fairer trading conditions for smallholder farmers and workers.